Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Lately, I have been very hungry while at my internship. There's no food in the office, not even a vending machine. Because I have just this side of $0, I bring food with me. but, I always try to bring healthy stuff. I never bring chips or bad junk food (so far). I'll bring Special K bars (the yummy Crips ones) and a sandwich or left over pasta. I can't really eat food in the morning, I get full after like half a piece of toast or start to feel sick. I think that's from years of not eating breakfast at all. Instead, I bring a slimfast and drink it on the train. Barely made it to the train on time this morning.

I also usually bring a piece of fruit with me. I have been very into red delicious apples. they are sweet and have a very crisp crunch ^_^

Even after all this food and trying to space out my snacks during the day, and even getting extra dinner on wed or thurs nights before i leave from the concert evry week, I'm still starving by the time I'm on the train home. I'm very good about resisting stopping at burger king on the way home, though.

I'm very worried about getting fat sitting an office all day snacking, no matter how healthy the snacks may be. I don't wanna get fat but I can't concentrate on my work if my stomach is growling at me like an animal. What to do?

In the mean time, I'm gonna finish my applle and try to stay healthy.

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